First if you do not have a No-IP account, create one by going to and registering.

It will send an email to you so you can verify that you want to create account. Click the verification link in your email and it will send you back to the No-IP site.

Log in to the site with the account you just made and click Add under Hosts / Redirects.

Write whatever you want for the subdomain and choose a domain for it to be under. I chose howtonoip for my subdomain and chose to put it under their domain. Scroll down to the bottom and click Create Host.

Now you will need to install the client. Open up your terminal and run "sudo apt-get install no-ip".

Once installed run "sudo no-ip -C" and select your Internet interface from the list. Then enter your login information. If you added only one host to your no-ip account it will automatically use that. If not it will ask which one(s) to use. Next enter the update interval (in minutes). It will ask you if you want to run something at a successful update. I did not so I selected no.

Your configuration file was just created. Now whenever your IP changes this client software will automatically update the No-IP servers with your new IP. No longer will your ip change and you be locked out of your computer!
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